Yup, that’s me directionally challenged in every way, don’t ask me how to get some place or to tell me to go towards the river because I will look at you like deer in the headlights. Ha-ha. When the iphone was created, along with the lady who says your directions out loud, it was the best day of my life. The Lord knows this about me. I mean HE created me, so it’s coming to Him as no surprise. Sometimes I don’t turn on the maps, and I just sit at the stoplight and look for something familiar before turning. Even then sometimes I go the wrong way and have to turn around. Some days it is comical; then some days it is just down right maddening!! God has spoken to me in these last years so many times through the book of Joshua. I have a whole testimony about this, but last night this stood out to me. Joshua 3:4 says: “ Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.” Those words gave me so much comfort, like okay Sherry, God knows that you sometimes don’t know which way to go, HE knows that you have not been this way before. God saying to me “ Sherry, do you trust me? I will lead you where you need to go, you just keep driving.”
In His Grip Ministries is up and going. Sometimes I sit at the stop sign and I say “Okay God I trust you so which way do I go?” Then I wait for HIM to tell me. Just like the girl on Google maps sometimes God takes me the long way so I will not get into traffic. I have had to spend a lot of time with HIM at the stoplight. People might be behind me honking and wanting to know what in the world I’m doing but I am just patiently waiting for HIM to direct me, even if that means I need to pull to the side of the road until I figure it out.
Wont you pray for In His Grip Ministries? The goal is to serve, and love and care for as many people as possible while driving them straight to the feet of Jesus.
Even directionally challenged people with a destination in mind get where they are going eventually. Heaven is a destination that I promise you I wont get lost finding; and I hope to take as many people with me as I possibly can.