“Further and further my heart moves away from the shore
Whatever it looks like, whatever may come I am Yours.” This is a chorus from a song that I love.
My eyes are now focused on heaven like never before. My heart moves further and further from the things of this life to the things of heaven for reasons I guess you know.
God has taught me many things in the last 23 months but the most important being to keep my eyes totally fixed on JESUS and he will guide and care for me. He will show me beauty in things. He will not leave me.
Still a lot of days I ask myself do I believe God’s promises to me? Can I really see beauty after all the suffering? Do I believe God is good no matter what? At this moment in my life I can say “YES!” but I have pondered this a lot lately. Like really pondered. When I hear someone say “ God is good I wonder to myself but would HE be good if the cancer didn’t go away? Would HE be good if the baby didn’t live? Would HE be good if the job didn’t work out? We are so quick to praise Jesus when everything is going our way, but will we praise Jesus when things don’t? Can we be thankful in the middle of the storm of life?
I can tell you that this process has not been an easy one for me. This pondering for me is one of the many reasons I will spend the rest of the days of my life trying to help others understand the principle of praising the ONE that created us no matter our circumstance.
Here are some Thanksgiving words for you to hold on to …
“ Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Revelation 22:12-13
I pray that as we all sit with the ones God has given us to love and be loved by this Thanksgiving that we would love one another like our Jesus loves us. That no matter our circumstance that we would open our eyes to the beauty of things.
Only see beauty, only see Jesus!!